A surprise wedding is a great way to put a unique twist on your big day. Imagine the look on your guests' faces when they walk into the venue and realise that they're about to witness your nuptials! If you're planning on surprising your guests with a wedding, there are a few things you'll need to keep in mind to make sure everything goes off without a hitch. 

1. Send Out "Save the Date" Cards without Mentioning the Wedding Itself

If you're hoping to keep your wedding a complete surprise, you'll need to be sneaky about the way you invite your guests. Sending out "save the date" cards is a great way to get people to block off the date in their calendar, without tipping them off about the fact that there's a wedding happening. You can be as creative as you want with your save the dates—just make sure not to mention anything about the wedding itself!

2. Keep Your guest List Small

If you're worried about people spilling the beans about your surprise wedding, it's best to keep the guest list small. This way, you won't have to worry about too many people knowing about your plans. Plus, smaller weddings are often more intimate and enjoyable for everyone involved. 

3. Find a Venue that's Available on Short Notice

Since you won't be able to give your guests much notice about your surprise wedding, it's important to find a venue that doesn't require months or even years of planning in advance. There are plenty of beautiful venues out there that can accommodate weddings on short notice—you just have to know where to look! 

4. Plan Your Big Reveal Carefully

The big reveal is arguably the most important part of throwing a surprise wedding. After all, what's the point of keeping everything under wraps if you don't have an epic reveal planned? Talk to your partner and decide how you want to let your guests in on the secret—just make sure everyone is in on it beforehand so there are no slip-ups! 

A surprise wedding is a great way to add an element of fun and excitement to your big day. If you're planning on surprising your guests with a wedding, there are a few things you'll need to keep in mind— from sending out sneakily worded invitations, to finding a venue that doesn't require months of planning in advance .

With careful planning and attention to detail, you can pull off an unforgettable surprise wedding that everyone will be talking about for years to come!

Congratulations to our lovely couple K&M and thank you for entrusting us in capturing your surprise wedding!

All these moments were made possible to all our amazing wedding professionals!

Planning and Coordination: Perth Wedding Collective

Celebrant: Glen Adams

Photographer & Videographer: Pixieros Photography

Catering: Couzens Consulting

Live Music: Mario Leeder Music